Friday 27 March 2015

Monday's Field Trip

Please send your children with WARM Clothes for Monday's field trip. Boots are will likely be wet and mucky.

Wavin' Flag Performance

In case you were not able to make it this morning, here is a video of half our class doing their performance. We are all very proud!

Friday 13 March 2015

Wavin' Flag Assembly

As per the note we sent home on March 11th our class and Mrs. McLennan's will be performing with Mrs. Bhanks, her students and the Grade 8's in the Student of the Month Assembly. The assembly will take place at 10:30am. You are invited to join us in the Suzuki gym.

We sent home the lyrics yesterday in the poem books, however we noticed that there were a couple errors. Today we sent home the correct lyrics in the mail bags on happy yellow paper. Please put those in the poem books so the students can continue to practice the lyrics.

There are a few different versions of the song so I will attach the correct music video for the song and another version of the song that also shows the lyrics.

Nutrition Break TALK

Our students love to chat while eating their healthy snacks! Great opportunity to share what's happening in the classroom through oral language.

Exploring our Centres

Predicting the Mystery Object Part 2

We discovered our mystery objects were BULBS. Brainstormed the steps to planting bulbs and got down to planting.

Monday 9 March 2015

Thursday 5 March 2015

Chalk Pastels

Today we created some beautiful artwork based on the beautiful book we read called "Snow Play".

Building with SHAPES

Students used shapes and their imaginations to build.