Friday 14 November 2014

The Human Heart

After our talk on Monday about what the children would like to learn about next we had a vote. There was an overwhelming consensus that they would like to learn about the HUMAN HEART! 

We read a non fiction book about the heart. One of the children then asked if we could also look for a video online that would help explain the heart and how it works. They choose one that looked interesting to them.

After we were done with the book and videos we did some review. Here are some facts/quotes that the students shared with us that they shared with us:

• The heart does his job delivering blood and oxygen through the body
• When we do faster things it beats faster
• It's like a truck bringing blood
• The (red) cube is like blood
• You need to use a microscope to see blood cells because they're tiny
• Oxygen is delivered through the blood
• Values open and closes
• Blood needs to go out of your heart so it can go through your whole body
• Blood goes up and down your body to your arms and your feet
• The heart beats 
• Exercise makes the heart beat faster
• Your heart goes badum badum
• Blood goes to your heart to brain and to your nose and eyes
• Blood goes to your toes

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