Monday 10 November 2014

November Literacy Tips

There are many activities you can do at home with your child that will help them develop their literacy skills (reading, writing, oral communication). Why not try these out!

Tip of the Day: check off when complete
1.   Let’s talk about the weather.  Use your good describing words!
2.  Can you name the seasons?  Draw a picture of each one.
3.  Name three weather words.  Clap the syllables you hear, (e.g. sun-ny)
4.  Lets talk about clothes you wear to keep warm.
5.  Read a book!  Listen for the rhyming words, (e.g., high/sky)
6.  Toy room treasure hunt!!!  Find toys that start with the /b/sound, (e.g. ball)
7.  Make a family picture.  Describe each person.
8.  How many syllables do you hear in the word NOVEMBER?  Do this for the months of the year.
9.  How many  words rhyme with /AT/, (e.g., cat)
10. Find the ‘Zehrs’ flyer, cut out all the fruit you see.
11. Think of 5 compound words, (e.g., doghouse, snowman)
12. Choose a bedtime story.  Ask your child to retell the story.
13. Sing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”, listen for the rhyming words.
14. On the go, in the car… count how many trees have lost their leaves.
15. Work together to make a shopping list.  Then go shopping!
16. Nonsense rhymes… make up silly words that rhyme with real words, (e.g., apple/zapple)
17. Find a movie that starts with the /t/sound.
18. Mealtime conversation… tell me one great thing that happened at school today.
19. Go for a walk… talk about what’s happening in your neighbourhood.
20. Sing the alphabet song before you go to bed.
21. Choose a book, talk about its parts... cover, pages, title, author, illustrator.
22. How many words rhyme with /UB/, (e.g., tub)
23. Sing “Old MacDonald Had a Farm”.
24. Find the rhyming words in “Humpty Dumpty”.
25. Blow bubbles in the tub… for each bubble say a word that starts with /sss/.
26. Make a tree using the letters of your name on the leaves.
27. Use the names of your family, count their parts (e.g., A/MAN/DA = 3 parts).
28. Tell me about the show you just watched.  Who are the main characters?  Retell what happened.
29. Trace the letters of the alphabet in the air.
30. Tell me the name of the month starting tomorrow.  Clap out its syllables.

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